Saturday, March 26, 2022

2 Ways to Make Massive Money In Ghana as a Foreigner (Offline Jobs)

Top Guide on How to Make Money in Ghana as Foreigner 2022/2023.

To make money in Ghana if I must say is very easy but some people still find it very difficult. Most times, it even makes them think that Ghana as a country has nothing much to offer to them but the answer is "NO".

How to Make Money in Ghana as Foreigner

Please bear it in mind that this post is basically meant for foreigners living in Ghana but Ghanaians can also tap from the information I will be releasing, For you to blossom in the following business which I am about to mention, you have to be smart and hardworking as well. In other not to bore you with much talks and stories, I will go straight to the point.

How to Make Money in Ghana Working Offline

I have lived in  Ghana for six years and I will like to assure you that the information I am about to reveal to you works not only in some part of Ghana, but in all part of the country and also works for everyone (both foreigners and indigenes). So read carefully.

Two Businesses That Can Fetch You Money in Ghana

  • Food Business/Chop Bar
  • Driving Job (Taxi or Cargo)

Food Business (Chop Bar/Restaurant)

Food business in Ghana is a very lucrative one especially if you know how to cook very well. According to what I have observed/noticed, most Ghanaians prefer eating outside more than cooking at home even though they have all the necessary food items at home.

The best part about food business in Ghana is that the citizens do not care who you are, where you are from, as long as you have food to sell around their vicinity, they will surely patronize you.

How to Start a Food Business (Chop Bar) in Ghana

Before you proceed with your chop bar business, here is one of the most important thing you need to put into consideration:

Business Location/Environment: 

For you to make a lot of money selling food in Ghana, your location matters a lot. Check your environment, then ask your self;
  • What kind of people are living around me?
  • Are they mixed tribes or just one tribe?
  • Are there foreigners (especially Nigerians) amongst them?
  • Do they have both the rich, poor or middle class living there?
The reason why I listed the questions above for you is because, most Ghanaians prefer fufu, akple, spaghetti and waakye over banku, while Nigerians prefer rice, eba or yam. So, if your business area is being occupied by both Ghanaians and foreigners, kindly make sure you blend your meals so as to satisfy both race. If possible employ a Ghanaian cook to do the Ghana meal while you as a foreigner for example Nigerian, take charge of the Nigerian meals, with that you will have endless customers coming in and out on daily basis.

Driving Job (Taxi or Cargo) in Ghana

Driving jobs in Ghana have changed the financial status of so many youths (both men and women). But today I will like us to discuss more about Taxi and Cargo Drivers in Ghana.

Getting a taxi or cargo for a driving job in Ghana is more easier compared to Nigeria. Almost everybody knows how to drive in Ghana not because they all went to driving school just as you may think but because in every home, there is always one two taxi or cargo drivers who is willing to teach anyone close to them on how to drive

On your first visit to Ghana, you will wonder how young boys manage to acquire the cars they riding for a taxi or cargo job. Do not worry, I will reveal everything to you on this post.

Recently, I went round to make inquiries on how young boys/girls manage to buy the car/cars they are using for taxi/cargo business, then I learnt that most of these taxi's and cargos we see on the street of Accra and every other place around the county being driven by young people are being owned by big business men, community chiefs, land and house owners etc.

Here is how it works;

They buy those cars, look for those with no jobs but have driving experience, then hand over they car/cargo key to them while they wait for the driver to either remit to them on daily or weekly basis. All depends on the agreement.

Based on my experience due to the kind of business I am into in Ghana which is recycling, do you know that on daily basis, most cargo drivers makes nothing less than 4,000 Ghana Cedis depending on what is being loaded in the car and distance as well. Now as a Nigerian, when you convert that the above mentioned amount in Naira, it is approximately 300,000 Naira based on the exchange rate for today.

That's a huge amount you know. now for you to make such amount on constant basis, you have to collect the contact of each and every client that calls you for a job, sometimes, try calling or texting them (with that you can be getting constant jobs).

I hope the above mentioned offline jobs on how to make money in Ghana gives you an insight on the kind of job to go for as a foreigner 

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